
Accounting/Finance - Certified Business Advisor

Jan 1, 2025 - Dec 1, 2026

$500 Enroll

Full course description


The CBA Accounting and Finance course provides an overview of essential issues regarding the areas of accounting and finance. The objective of the course is to impart enough information and develop sufficient basic skill to allow the student to understand the impact that these subject matters have on the small business. After all, lack of an understanding of, or lack of financial information in general, represent major causes of business failure.

In this course the topics of business organization, accounting, tax, business planning, financial statement analysis and other specialized analytical techniques are covered. This course is one of the more quantitative courses that are in the course. The work in this course will require effort by the students to work out problems using basic mathematic skills and to learn more advanced analytical techniques based upon those skills.

This course is comprised of nine (9) sessions:

  • SESSION 1: Business Entities
    An introduction into the way that business are organized and taxed.
  • SESSION 2: Business Planning
    An examination of the business plan and its uses and purposes.
  • SESSION 3: Financial Statements
    An introduction into the various types of financial statements, what's on them and what their use is.
  • SESSION 4: Financial Statement Analysis
    How to use the information found in financial statements to understand a business.
  • SESSION 5: Financial Projections and Cash Flow Analysis
    The basics on making financial projections.
  • SESSION 6: Managerial Accounting
    Break even analysis and other forms of managerial marketing.
  • SESSION 7: Sources of Financing
    Types of SBA programs available and a discussion of other sources of financing.
  • SESSION 8: Cost of Capital and Capital Budgeting
    The basics on cost of capital and capital budgeting.
  • SESSION 9: Valuation
    A review of the processes for valuing non-public, closely held firms.